Looking for a First-Class Degree College?

Our Strength


College buildings are traditionally arranged around a courtyard, and if your buildings are already arranged that way you should celebrate. A courtyard is beneficial because it channels pedestrian traffic past a single entrance where offices. Read more…

IT Lab

College has well equipped computer labs for pupil teacher with more than 30computers. The staff is technically sound and makes use of latest trends, gadgets and applications. Different departments Read more….


A full fledged Transport department functions in the college with buses to provide transport facility to students and staff from various places. This service is offered ensuring a hassle-free and safe transportation. Read more…

Class Room

We have designed the study material in a unique way which resurrect your confidence, shape-up your ideas, strengthen your foundation and lead you in to the top gear of Competition Exam Preparation. Read more…


Tachyon International Inc. can assist large and small corporations with planning, managing and coordinate the movement of goods throughout the world. Read more…


SBS Degree College. have own well qulifify and experience teacher and other staff. Read more…